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The Party Committee of Dafang Group held a party affairs knowledge training meeting
Published on:2022-09-14  Views:145second

In order to adapt to the new requirements of the party building work under the new situation, earnestly grasp the work of grass-roots party building, and improve the political quality, performance ability and professional level of party affairs staff, the Party Committee of Dafang Group held a party affairs knowledge training meeting on the morning of July 14. More than 20 people attended the meeting, including Han Shunxin, Secretary of Changyuan Municipal Non working Committee, Zhao Junfang, Office Director of Changyuan Municipal Non working Committee, Ma Junjie, Secretary of Dafang Party Committee, Zhao Shuchang, Deputy Secretary of Dafang Party Committee, and secretaries of all branches and party workers.


Zhao Junfang, Director of the Municipal Non working Committee Office, gave lectures to the participants

At the meeting, Zhao Junfang gave a detailed explanation of the basic knowledge of party affairs, the daily work of the branch and the filling of the party form through teaching. It brought a vivid knowledge sharing of grassroots party affairs to the participants. In view of some common problems encountered in the work of grass-roots party branches, exchanges, discussions and answers were carried out on the spot.


Party affairs workers listen carefully to lectures


Ma Junjie, Secretary of the Party committee of the group, made a concluding speech

Ma Junjie, secretary of Dafang Party Committee, said that party workers are organizers and practitioners of the Party's activities and various work, affect the role of grass-roots party organizations, and are the key to doing a good job of the group's party building. We must fully understand the importance of participating in this training, seize this rare learning opportunity, systematically learn party affairs knowledge, master party affairs working methods, improve our entrepreneurial skills, enhance our pioneering and innovative spirit, and plan new ideas for Party building and development.

Ma Junjie stressed that all participants should take this training as an opportunity to sort out and digest the training income, adhere to the combination of learning and application, integrate knowledge with practice, guide practical work with the knowledge learned, effectively improve the work quality, and lay a solid foundation for Dafang group to do a good job in grass-roots party building with high standards and strict requirements, and promote all-round progress, all-round excellence and solid foundation in grass-roots party building.

This training meeting has further enhanced the sense of responsibility of party workers and improved their professional level. Everyone has expressed that they must do a good job in party building, constantly temper and improve their ability to work on party affairs, and take practical actions to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.


Han Shunxin and his party inspected the Party Building Exhibition Hall


Han Shunxin guides Party Building


Group photo

After the meeting, Han Shunxin and his party inspected the Dafang Party Building Exhibition Hall and gave guidance on how to give full play to the exemplary role of activists in joining the party, control the first pass of joining the party, and ensure the quality of Party members.