Henan Dafang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd Lifting machinery steel structure engineering
  • Chinese
  • Enterprise vision

    Creat a happy enterprise. Build a century Dafang

  • quality policy

    Pay attention to customers, continuously improve,process control, and manufacture high-quality products

  • Confidence culture

    Strategic confidence,cultural confidence,team confidence,and institutional confidence

  • caring dafang

    As a responsible, meaningful, and responsible enterprise, Dafang should make every effort to promote common prosperity. Developing enterprises to continuously create wealth. Share achievements and allocate wealth reasonably. Let's work together to create wealth.

  • Enterprise mission

    For customer For staff For society

    For customer: Creating value for customers, providing high-quality products and efficient services. Establish stable and win-win cooperative relationships with customers to assist in their high-quality development.

    For staff: Seeking happiness for staff, creating a relaxed working environment and good development space. Let employees have a sense of belonging and achievement, and work together to create a better future.

    For society: Accumulate wealth for society, contribute more taxes, and create better employment opportunities. Take on social responsibility and strive to promote the rapid development of a civilized and harmonious society.

  • Enterprise principle

    Six concepts

    Business principle: build a good cooperative team to create a valuable enterprise

    Service principle: customer first, excellent quality, integrity-based, intimate service

    Learning principle: learning is endless and learning is applied

    Talent principle: care, respect and trust

    Safety principle: the life and health of employees are above everything else

    Management principle: pay more attention to the system than human feelings, and value more than profits

  • Enterprise spirit

    Sincerity, kindness, innovation, and intelligence

  • Core competitiveness

    Good service, high cost performance, fast delivery and convenient installation

  • Dafang staff

    Build a positive heart, do good deeds, be a good person, and transfer positive energy

  • social responsibility

    Take responsibility, create value, share success and repay society