Henan Dafang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd Lifting machinery steel structure engineering
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September is coming, this activity must be launched
Published on:2024-09-01  Views:35second

September this year is the 47th National "Quality Month". In order to fully implement the action of strengthening enterprises with quality, truly implement the spirit of the country's "strengthening quality support and building a strong country with quality", and promote the stable development of enterprises, on the evening of August 30th, the grand launch conference of the "Quality Month" activity of Dafang Heavy Machine 2024 with the theme of "enhancing quality awareness and building a quality economy" was held in the conference room on the eighth floor. Xiangyang Cao , chairman and general manager of Dafang Heavy Machine, vice general managers Teng Yun, Bubao Chen, Hongwei Liu, Xiaoming Wang and other senior executives, as well as employee representatives, attended the meeting. Weidong  Zhang, minister of Quality Assurance, presided over the meeting.


▲The Quality Month Launch Conference was grandly held 


▲Vice General Manager Liu Hongwei announced the activity plan

At the meeting, Hongwei Liu announced the "Quality Month" activity plan for Dafang Heavy Machine in 2024 ". The plan promoted the spirit of Dafang Heavy Machine's" Quality Month "activity and established a" Quality Month "activity leadership group led by chairman and general manager Xiangyang Cao. Through product promotion and display activities, quality travel activities, quality knowledge training and typical case sharing activities, welding quality evaluation activities, QC group progress reporting and review activities, as well as quality improvement project implementation and solidification inspection activities, it actively created a good atmosphere where everyone cares about quality, values quality, and creates quality, and produced an effective and high-level quality month result.


▲Bubao Chen, vice general manager , made a speech

Bubao Chen affirmed the excellent achievements made by the company in quality improvement since 2023, pointed out the problems that need to be improved at present, and put forward various requirements such as in-depth understanding of the market, improving the quality management system, developing customized products, and strengthening team building. He called on everyone to work harder, continuously improve the quality level, and enhance the market competitiveness of the company's products.


▲Vice general manager Tengyun made a speech

Ten Yun analyzed the current quality status of company and pointed out the deficiencies in company quality management through the feedback from customers on-site, asked everyone to strengthen quality awareness, internalize in the heart and externalize in action, starting from one's own job, conscientiously and solidly control quality, and make their own efforts to improve the overall quality level of the company.


▲Speech by Guoqing Sun, representative of production system


▲Speech by Pandong Wang, representative of technical system

To further ensure the successively completion of various activities during the "Quality Month" and improve the overall quality level of company, technical system representative Pandong Wang, production system representative Guoqing Sun made speeches, expressing their determination to actively improve product quality from design, production and other aspects, and strive to produce high quality products.


▲Speech by Xiangyang Cao, chairman and general manager 

Xiangyang Cao gave a concluding speech. Xiangyang Cao first analyzed the importance of quality work at the national level, and then focused on the enterprise level from large to small, affirming achievements, pointing out deficiency, and proposing six requirements:

Require all employees to strengthen their quality awareness and strive to improve the quality level of products, work, and services; Require all employees to study carefully professional knowledge, and improve their work abilities, and improve their professionalism in work; Require everyone to collect information, identify problems, strengthen team collaboration, and work together to solve problems; Require all management personnel to carry out supervision and inspection, strengthen rewards and punishments, and improve the execution of various processes; Require all management personnel to dare to take responsibility, unite as one, and systematically solve problems; Require sales, technology, production, quality and other departments to fully implement the Quality Journey activity, go to customers, enter the scene, and care for customers with practical actions.

Finally, Xiangyang Cao encourages everyone to work with dedication and provide emotional services, promote quality improvement in an orderly manner, and strive to create Dafang quality.


▲Quality Assurance Department Minister Weidong Zhang took oath


▲Collective oath

Under the leadership of Weidong Zhang, all attendees took an oath, fully demonstrating that Dafang people adhere to the bottom line of quality and not step on the red line of quality. 


▲The grand occasion of the conference

Dafang Heavy Machine will take this event as an opportunity to continue adhering to the quality policy of "focusing on customers, continuous improvement, process control and manufacturing high quality products", and closely focusing on the national spirit of "strengthening quality support and building a strong quality country", highlighting the four directions of "problems, goals, processes, and results", continuously improving the quality management level of the enterprise, vigorously building a strong quality enterprise, and helping to realize the Chinese Dream of a strong quality country as soon as possible.