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Love to help students, generosity to build pillars | Dafang Dexiao love foundation held the 2022
Published on:2022-09-21  Views:181second

Love students and build pillars with generosity. On the afternoon of August 26, Dafang Dexiao love foundation held the 2022 "golden autumn student assistance" activity. Yang Jimao, director of the education and Sports Bureau of Changyuan City, Han aijuan, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Changyuan City, Han Ruihao, Secretary of the Party committee of niuli Town, Lu Shuchang, Secretary of the branch of niuli village, Ma Xianglin, Secretary of the branch of Wugang village, Hu Tingli, Secretary of the branch of liulizhuang village, Gao Yunzhang, Secretary of the branch of Xiaoan village, Secretary of the Party committee and President of Dafang group Ma Junjie, chairman of Dexiao love foundation, and other leaders attended the meeting.


▲ speech by Yang Jimao, director of education and Sports Bureau of Changyuan City

Yang Jimao, director of Changyuan Municipal Bureau of education and sports, delivered a speech. Yang Jimao said that donating money to help students and caring for education are of great value in the present age and benefit in the future. The generous moral and filial love foundation has devoted love and done practical things for the development of home education with practical actions, which reflects the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation in helping the poor and needy, the good quality of generous people who think about the source when they become rich and are willing to do good deeds, and the patriotism of private entrepreneurs who do not forget to return to the society and their hometown when they become rich.

Yang Jimao stressed that as a new generation of young college students, we should remember the historical mission of "building China into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist modern country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation". We should work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, enrich ourselves, hone ourselves, shoulder our mission bravely, aim high and be down-to-earth, and devote our unrepentant youth to the construction and development of the motherland.

Yang Jimao hopes that the subsidized students will cherish the hard-earned opportunities, seize the day, strive for self-improvement, regard temporary poverty as spiritual wealth, turn gratitude into ambition and motivation, and pass on the traditional American and German culture of helping the poor and helping others!


▲ Hu Xu, Vice President of Dafang Group, read out the supporting documents

Hu Xu, vice president of Dafang group, read out the decision on the granting of 2022 golden autumn scholarships by Dafang moral and filial love foundation. Dafang Virtue and Filial Piety Love Foundation has launched a fund of 10 million yuan, aiming to "save orphans and students", "help the poor", "cure the sick and save the disabled", and "reward model". This golden autumn student aid, Dafang Dexiao Love Foundation funded 83 poor college students.


▲ Ma Junjie, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Dafang Group and Chairman of Dafang Dexiao Love Foundation, delivered an important speech

Ma Junjie, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Dafang Group and Chairman of Dafang Dexiao Love Foundation, delivered an important speech. Ma Junjie first expressed his thanks to leaders at all levels on behalf of Dafang moral filial piety love foundation, congratulated the students who won the gold medal, and expressed his best wishes to the parents of students! Ma Junjie said that the golden autumn education is an important part of Dafang's cultural activities of morality, filial piety and love. Since 2009, Dafang has always abided by the corporate mission of "serving customers, employees and society", inherited the culture of morality and filial piety, which is "ten thousand virtues first and hundred virtues first". After many years of unchanged, it has opened and led the new trend of morality and filial piety in Changyuan, returned to the society with practical actions, and made modest contributions to the hometown elders.

Ma Junjie shared four words with the funded students to encourage them together.

First, we should boost our spirit and work hard to become stronger. Suffering is the best school in life. Students receiving subsidies should have firm ideals and beliefs and lofty ambitions. They should have confidence and courage to face some difficulties in their subsequent studies, including in their future life, and change their destiny through unremitting efforts.

Second, we should study hard and improve our skills. Youth is fleeting. Funded students should cherish this hard-earned learning opportunity, learn new knowledge, master new skills, grow new talents, and strive to become useful talents in society.

Third, we should return to society and pass on love. In the future study and work, the funded students should closely combine the pursuit of life ideals with serving the motherland and building their hometown. With a grateful heart, when they are able, they can join the team of caring for young people and the next generation, so that the love can continue and spread.

Fourth, we should be prepared for danger in times of peace and be ambitious. On the new journey, students must enhance their national pride, deeply understand the current international situation facing China, enhance their sense of responsibility and action, and promote the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in continuous struggle.

Ma Junjie welcomes students to come back from their studies and join Dafang to contribute to the development of Dafang and the construction of their hometown.


▲ Wang Xiaoming, Deputy General Manager of Dafang Heavy Machinery and Secretary General of Dexiao Love Foundation, presided over the ceremony


▲ speech by parents of postgraduates and prospective freshmen of Henan University of traditional Chinese Medicine


 ▲ Qin Yiqian, a freshman of Zheng Dazhun, a representative of the subsidized students, made a speech

 ▲ students receive financial aid

▲ students visit our group's Party Building Exhibition Hall and science and technology experience center


▲ Group photo

"Donate money to help students pass on their virtues for generations to come, and love education and stay at home". For a long time, Dafang Group has actively participated in various charitable and public welfare undertakings and held the "Golden Autumn Student Aid" activity, which fully reflects the generous high sense of social responsibility and the noble feelings of generous people who do not forget to get rich. In the future, the group will continue to practice the "three culture", never forget its original intention, and let more people feel the warmth of generosity. The culture of generosity, morality, filial piety and love will surely bear fruitful fruits. The foundation of generosity, morality, filial piety and love will surely build up a strong reputation, help Changyuan's long-term economic and social development, and help realize the Chinese dream of common prosperity as soon as possible.