Henan Dafang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd Lifting machinery steel structure engineering
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A Strong Backing for Enterprise Development Advanced Deeds of the Second Party Branch of Dafang Heavy Machinery
Published on:2023-12-29  Views:92second

A branch is a fortress, and a Party member is a role model. The Second Party Branch of the Communist Party of China's Dafang Heavy Machinery is a strong fortress for Dafang Holding Group Co., Ltd.

Under the leadership of the superior Party committee and the group Party committee, the second Party branch of Dafang Heavy Machinery, guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress and with the goal of "Create a happy enterprise. Build a century Dafang", continuously strengthens the ideological, organizational, institutional, and cultural construction of the branch. Centered around the two centers of enterprise reform and development, unite and lead Party members and the masses to liberate their minds, update their concepts, unite and overcome difficulties. Fully leverage the core role of Party organizations in enterprise reform and promote steady and orderly development of enterprises. This has laid a solid foundation for building a learning oriented, practical, service-oriented, innovative, and clean branch. During the Party Day period from 2022 to July 1, 2023, it was awarded the title of "Advanced Party Branch" by the Group Party Committee for two consecutive years.



一、Strengthening Political Functions to Build "Fortresses"

Strengthen learning guidance and enhance political functions. The person in charge of the second branch organized a series of learning activities in a planned, step-by-step, and targeted manner according to the arrangements and deployments of the group Party committee, combined with the actual situation of the position. Utilize the main battlefield of "three meetings and one lesson" to carry out "three stricts and three realities" learning and training, in order to improve the political quality of Party members. Provide integrity education to Party members. Activities such as signing a commitment letter for integrity and self-discipline among Party members. It has inspired the vast number of Party members and cadres in their thinking, established a solid foundation on the main line of anti-corruption and promoting integrity, and injected new impetus into their work enthusiasm. At the same time, it also brings new vitality and vigor to the enterprise.

After the 20th National Congress of the CPC, the Second Party Branch discussed the theme of reviewing the glorious history of the Party and carrying forward the great spirit of the Party. At the meeting, all participating Party members spoke one after another, expressing their thoughts on studying this report and writing relevant documents. At the same time, it is stated that one should actively play the pioneering and exemplary role of a Party member in their position. After the meeting, Party members will combine their job responsibilities in their respective departments, focus on the development of the enterprise, strive to carry out work, and promote the completion of various tasks of the enterprise.

According to the requirements of the group Party committee, the second Party branch actively carries out theme education activities to learn and implement the Premier's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Convene multiple branch Party member meetings to reflect the learning achievements in enhancing Party spirit, enhancing abilities, improving work style, and promoting work. Take practical and practical measures to carry out theme education. Overcome the difficulties one by one after examining the problems. On the one hand, transform learning outcomes into ideas for planning work, and on the other hand, transform them into a responsible work attitude. Let all work proceed in an orderly manner and achieve significant results.



According to the requirements of the "three meetings and one lesson" system, the second Party branch insists on giving Party lectures every month and implementing the requirement of "cadres at all levels must establish a work style of" three stricts and three realities ". After finishing their studies, all Party members discussed their own learning reflections. And make a statement that I will definitely be rigorous in my conduct, exercise power according to rules and regulations, and strictly demand myself. Plan your career from reality, be down-to-earth, dare to take responsibility, and treat others with loyalty and honesty.

The second Party branch focuses on cultivating new active Party members and development targets, and actively develops new Party members. Not only in the education of theoretical knowledge of the Party, but also in daily work, emphasis is placed on cultivating the professional skills and Party spirit of Party members. 


二、Enhance Service Functions to Strengthen the "Fortress"

As a grassroots organization of the Party, the Second Party Branch actively plays the role of a fighting fortress and resolutely implements the Party's policies. Based on the job responsibilities of the department where the branch Party member is located, focusing on the development of the enterprise, consolidating thoughts, improving awareness, striving to carry out work, and promoting the completion of various tasks of the enterprise.

Strengthen the connection with production and promote the development of enterprises. "For customers, for employees, and for society" is the mission of the enterprise and the responsibility of Party members of Dafang Group. How to exert the cohesion and centripetal force of the branch and twist them into a rope. How to unleash the intelligence and wisdom of employees to promote the development of enterprises. These are the core ideas of the ideological and political construction of the Dafang Party organization and the development of corporate culture. To carry out this work smoothly, the Party branch first grasps the situation, then analyzes and formulates specific plans, and establishes a "quality and efficiency improvement group". The implementation of a series of service measures has laid a solid foundation for creating a good image of Dafang Holding Group and shaping a high-quality service brand.

Strengthen the leading role and solidify the foundation of quality. Quality and innovative development are always the themes and prerequisites for enterprise development. The second Party branch, in conjunction with the job responsibilities of Party members, organized a series of activities such as "improving quality and efficiency" and "quality inspector vocational skills competition". Putting quality and innovation first, Party members take the lead in going deep into the production site, identifying problems, and ensuring quality. Through a series of quality inspection activities, everyone's quality awareness has been continuously improved, and their service awareness has also significantly enhanced. Workers actively apply for inspection and acceptance, resulting in a gradual reduction in some detail problems and rework of products.

For example, the "improving quality and efficiency" group activity takes the branch as the base and Party members as the vanguard, organizing production, technology, procurement and other departments to go deep into the production site together. Outsourcing manufacturers and technical departments inspect the quality of products during the design, production, procurement, and other processes, and provide improvement suggestions. These practical actions fully demonstrate the service function of grassroots Party organizations in their daily work and strengthen their role as battle fortresses.



三、Persist in Overcoming Difficulties to Showcase the "Fortress"

Focusing on enhancing organizational strength, enhancing execution ability as the foundation, and leveraging the leading role of the Party branch. As a grassroots organization of the Party, the focus of our work is to put all work into practice. Cultivate a work style that disregards gains and losses, and effectively complete every task better. The key is to enhance combat effectiveness, overcome difficulties, forge ahead, and have the courage to take on responsibilities, which is a concrete manifestation of the combat effectiveness of the Party branch. In the context of rapid business growth and a shortage of personnel, we must adhere to the guidance of our thinking. Actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of Party organizations and Party members, overcome many difficulties in work and life, and successfully complete urgent, difficult, and dangerous tasks.

Party members should dare to take on responsibilities and set an example in overcoming difficulties. In the face of difficulties and challenges, one can demonstrate the courage and determination to fight tough battles and tackle tough challenges. Go up against difficulties and seek breakthroughs.

In the YZS160 ton project of CERI, Party A has high requirements, tight timeline, and there are many difficulties in the technical solution that need to be solved. Cui Rongfeng, a member of the second Party branch, actively engages in technical exchanges with Party A personnel while maintaining continuity of work. He personally led the team to measure dimensions on site and guide the decomposition of non-standard drawing tasks. After working overtime for 18 consecutive days in the company, I finally gained recognition from the client of Party A. If one solution fails, switch to another solution; if one approach fails, switch to another approach. Cui Rongfeng, with white hair all over his head, has a broad mind, is brave in innovation, and is old and strong. He led the technical team to overcome one technical problem after another with the cooperation of other Party members. In the design and production of many key projects, it can be seen that Party members play an important role as pioneers and models.



The grassroots organizations of the Party are the fighting fortress that unites and leads the masses to implement the Party's theory, line, principles, and policies, and implement the Party's tasks. It is the backbone of serving the reform and development of enterprises, and the bridge and link between the Party and the vast number of employees. How to fully leverage the political core role of enterprise Party organizations in the new situation is a new task faced by enterprise Party branches. To transform the political advantages of Party organizations into scientific development advantages, help enterprises improve product quality, enhance service levels, and achieve production and operation goals. The second Party branch of Dafang Heavy Machinery has set an example for us and is worth learning from.